Product Review: MUJI 33L Suitcase

muji 35l suitcase carryon review

A couple of years ago I was having an email conversation with a few other blogger friends about packing for air travel. One guy was about to begin traveling extensively for work, and wanted to get our thoughts on how to do so effectively. Lots of good advice was shared (I still find myself re-reading the conversation every now and again), but there was one looming, unanswered question -is there a roller suitcase that is both functional and affordable without being horrendously unattractive? […]

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The Maratac Mid Pilot: A Watch for the Weekend

Maratac Mid Pilot review

Watches are still fairly new territory to me, which is dangerous. Once you have a good grip on a hobby you can make educated purchases based on what you want, what you can afford, and what provides the best value; when you’re just getting started, you think you know these things but in fact you do not. With that reasoning, I’ve been approaching my newfound interest in watches very carefully. […]

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Product Review: Linjer Soft Briefcase

linjer soft briefcase review

A while back I met some cool folks named Roman and Jenn that were working on launching a leather goods company called Linjer. I liked the angle their brand was going for and the designs of their products, so we stayed in touch. After I learned more about their products, I put together a post about their briefcase when their first campaign launched. […]

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Product Review: Suitsupply Jort Blazer

I’ve been looking to add a light brown summer sportcoat to my wardrobe for a while now. Inspired by pictures from the Sartorialist, Articles of Style, Styleforum’s NOBD, and more, I felt that this addition would be a way to experiment with some seasonal tailored clothing that would still be versatile and play well with […]

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Better Bedding with Brooklinen

These days, I often find myself wanting to post an article but being unable to do so because I have no photo to go with it. Sometimes I need someone to take a picture of me, sometimes I can’t find the right spot to take the photo, and sometimes I just don’t know how to […]

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Season to Taste

I have often used this blog as a platform to complain about San Francisco’s mild weather; it does feel a bit cruel to do that while the rest of the country has had a winter of epic proportions, but it’s true that living in a place that is 65 degrees almost every day can become […]

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