Product Review: Proper Cloth Washed Denim Shirts

It’s no secret that Proper Cloth is my favorite shirtmaker. There are many places to get a custom shirt these days, but I have yet to find anybody that has the same level of user-friendly-ness, curated-but-thorough design options, and top-tier fabrics. They just released their newest batch of washed denim shirts this week, so I […]

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Fall Favorites – 10 Essential Autumn Items

fall menswear essentials

Five years ago I wrote a series on my favorite pieces from each season. A lot of those items are still near and dear to me, but I thought it would be worth updating things to reflect my current lifestyle and wardrobe. My fall favorites have changed a bit, but many of the concepts are still the same – textured materials, earthy colors, and a bit of protection from inclement weather. Here are my go-to pieces for the cool weather ahead: […]

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What I Wore: Portrait in Jazz

Styleforum recently re-introduced their Friday Challenge, which is a weekly competition for members to dress in a theme and win internet points. I generally sit these out, but this week had a theme that I couldn’t help but try – emulate an album cover. I decided to throw my hat in the ring, and this is the result. […]

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Spring in San Francisco

suitsupply proper cloth j crew crockett jones

With the recent passage of Memorial Day Weekend, we’re officially in white pants season (not that I ever really paid attention to that rule to begin with) – I took the opportunity to bring out some new and old favorites for the warmer spring weather we’re currently enjoying.

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What I Wore: Spring Break

proper cloth seavees maratac

Tropical getaways aren’t really my go-to vacation, but my girlfriend was born and raised in Hawaii and so we hop over to the islands every now and again to visit her family and enjoy the change of scenery. Like any person with Scottish and Irish blood, I don’t do great in the sun and heat so I’m always looking to keep cool and somewhat protected from the harsh sun. 

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What I Wore: Cold Snap

It was weirdly cold in San Francisco last week – not nearly as cold as most of the northern hemisphere right now, but colder than usual. The temperatures have been in the 40s (even dipping into the 30s at night!), which has allowed me to wear some pieces of mine that don’t get the attention they deserve. […]

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What I Wore: West Coast Ivy

I’ve been experimenting with the polarizing denim-and-blazer look a bit lately, and while it may not ever become a central part of my style it’s worked out better than I initially thought. As with many menswear-y things, getting this look to work is more about finding the right pieces than anything else. […]

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Buying Guide: The Wild West(ern shirt)

Perhaps it’s because I just got back from a week in Montana, or possibly because I haven’t been getting dressed up much lately, but I’ve developed a hankering for denim and chambray shirts. Not the kind that you wear under a blazer – I’ve got those – but something deeply casual, well-worn, and with a bit of an “Old West” vibe.

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The Two-Season Wardrobe: How to Wear It

menswear wardrobe essentials

After my recent post on my two-season wardrobe essentials, I thought I would write a follow-up with how I typically wear these pieces. None of this is particularly groundbreaking as all of these items are very common and versatile, but I suppose that’s why I consider them my essentials. Like I mentioned then, the idea here is that I have a warm- and cool-weather version of each piece, which gives me enough versatility to wear this “uniform” throughout the year. […]

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