Back In Stock: Proper Cloth “Low Twist” Shirts

proper cloth low twist

Two years ago I wrote about how excited I was about for the newest shirt fabrics from Proper Cloth, my favorite shirtmaker. The low twist flannels were super heavy, textured, and had great colors as well—I immediately bought two, and they have been in my weekly rotation ever since. They weren’t offered at all last year but it looks like they just restocked, and new colors were added as well. […]

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Product Review: Proper Cloth Washed Denim Shirts

It’s no secret that Proper Cloth is my favorite shirtmaker. There are many places to get a custom shirt these days, but I have yet to find anybody that has the same level of user-friendly-ness, curated-but-thorough design options, and top-tier fabrics. They just released their newest batch of washed denim shirts this week, so I […]

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