Buying Guide: A Good Pair of Boots

Menswear nerds like myself seem to enjoy talking about “essential” items, and footwear in particular – much has been written about the necessity of the black captoe, the brown brogue, the penny loafer, the suede chukka, and so forth. Although items like these are certainly useful, there are also things that are actually essential (not […]

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Buying Guide: Chukka Boots

The leaves are starting to change colors (or so I’m told), everyone’s talking about pumpkin spice lattes, and the dollar is gaining ground on the euro. When put together, these signs can only mean one thing – it’s time to grab some autumnal footwear. The chukka boot is an incredibly versatile shoe and is perfectly […]

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Buying Guide: the M-65 Jacket

Outerwear has always been a bit of a sartorial struggle for me; with tailored clothing, there are enough guidelines and principles at play that I can generally feel confident in my direction. With outerwear, the field is a bit more open, as there is more room for experimentation and less stringent rules for proper fit. […]

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Buying Guide: Knits for the Neck

I haven’t had the opportunity to wear ties that often lately, but when I do I usually find myself reaching for a knit. As I’ve said before, they do a wonderful job of increasing the formality of what you’re wearing but substantially less than a traditional tie would. I generally use a traditional tie when […]

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Buying Guide: Chinos for Spring and Summer

Like I mentioned in my “Spring Selections” post, chinos are a great item to have on hand when the weather starts to warm up (and they’re much more affordable than loafers, too). Like many other popular men’s garments, chinos have a military background but have become immensely popular with civilians over the decades. They offer a casual […]

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Buying Guide: Loafers for Spring and Summer

After recently writing an article on my favorite spring items, I decided to delve in to a few specific pieces that are worthy of their own conversation. One of these items is the loafer, which can be an attractive and versatile addition to any shoe wardrobe. I generally wear loafers as a replacement for sneakers, when […]

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