Now Available: Lost Monarch Eyewear Briefcases

lost monarch eyewear briefcase

I’ve been writing about eyewear quite a bit this year. And as I mentioned recently, I’ve noticed that more men seem to be approaching spectacles as a collector’s item rather than a purely functional product. While I might not be quite at that level (…yet), I definitely know that managing a pile of glasses in random cases is a bit unwieldily. The best solution that I’ve come up with is now available at Lost Monarch—an eyewear briefcase. […]

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Back Across the Atlantic

packing for paris and london

It’s taken much longer than anticipated for me to return to Europe, but after five years away I’m about to head back. I’ll be staying in Paris for about a week, and will have a quick jaunt over to London as well. And while I always strive to only bring a carryon, this time around I had an additional incentive to pack light – both the Euro and the Pound are getting, well, pounded right now. […]

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