Shoe Maintenance

After a few hours of dancing on the forest floor at a recent wedding my trusty Allen Edmonds McAllisters were looking quite rough around the edges. They were covered in dirt and scuffs and needed some serious attention before they were going to be work-appropriate again. Fortunately, it’s not that hard to breathe life back […]

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Old Tweed

While I was home over the weekend I took another look through my grandpa’s old closet. These are some of my favorites: two vintage Harris Tweed blazers with a 3-roll-2 button stance, natural shoulders, quarter lining, and thick horn buttons. One is a classic brown/tan herringbone, the other is a large scale grey and red […]

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Twelve Ties

After posting a picture of my Kent Wang knit tie last week I got some questions about the rest of my tie collection, since I boldly claimed to only have a dozen. Here they are. I will make no claims that this is some ultimate “essential tie wardrobe” and that it is something to aspire […]

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Out & About: A-B Fits

I’ve never claimed to be much of a denim head, but the events at Denim Bruin earlier this month reminded me that San Francisco is one of the cornerstones of the denim industry, and that the products found here are some of the best on the globe. Jeans have been part of this city’s culture […]

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In Praise of the Blue Striped Shirt

I’m not known for taking bold moves when it comes to clothing. My wardrobe is almost entirely made up of grey, blue, brown, and white. I rarely roll the dice with bold patterns and when I do I play it safe everywhere else. Simplicity has always been my sartorial aim and I intend to keep […]

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A Closer Look at Beckett & Robb

Part II: Measurements and Fitting Previously: Part I After poring over fabric books, lapel styles, and horn buttons for a couple hours with Dustin I was ready to begin the most important part of the made-to-measure experience – the fitting. Picking fabric and style options is lots of fun (although my choices were very tame), […]

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Shaving like a Gentleman – A Few Tips

It should go without saying that part of living a stylish life involves a good grooming regimen. Like many #menswear folks, I abandoned modern shaving technology a few years back and began using safety razors and a shaving mug (it should come as no surprise that it was inspired in part by Put This On’s […]

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