Menswear Blogging – a Lonely Profession

My girlfriend is often working behind the scenes to help me put together the posts on this site, usually in the form of proofreading, setting up photos, or helping me take awkward pictures of my clothes in public. The other day she showed me her collection of “behind the scenes” photos, taken on her phone […]

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The Joys of a Well-Organized Closet

I love organizing stuff. I wouldn’t go as far as to call my behavior OCD, but I do have an affection for things in their right place, whether it’s a tidy desk drawer, a well-organized suitcase, or a collection of largely unused neckties. To me, the appearance of well-thought out organization is greater than the […]

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The Search for the Perfect Breton

Over the years there have been a few items that I have attempted to add to my wardrobe, only to be thwarted by unexpected problems. In these cases, I have spent hours trying to find the perfect item, only to discover issues with fit, style, or material. It is a frustrating experience and one that […]

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Buying Guide: Chinos for Spring and Summer

Like I mentioned in my “Spring Selections” post, chinos are a great item to have on hand when the weather starts to warm up (and they’re much more affordable than loafers, too). Like many other popular men’s garments, chinos have a military background but have become immensely popular with civilians over the decades. They offer a casual […]

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Buying Guide: Loafers for Spring and Summer

After recently writing an article on my favorite spring items, I decided to delve in to a few specific pieces that are worthy of their own conversation. One of these items is the loafer, which can be an attractive and versatile addition to any shoe wardrobe. I generally wear loafers as a replacement for sneakers, when […]

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Second Life

I am no stranger to used clothes. Although I’m not a skilled thrifter like Ben or Jason, I still hunt for used clothing on websites like eBay and Styleforum in order to buy high-quality goods that would normally be outside of my price range. Buying used clothing is a great option from a fiscal perspective, […]

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12 Menswear Tumblrs Worth Following

The #menswear scene on tumblr is an interesting one; there is a lot of wonderful original content out there, but also a ton of stock photography and runway shots that get passed around endlessly. There is nothing wrong with having a blog that highlights those things, but we all know the feeling that comes from […]

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Out & About: Tanner Goods Flagship Store

During my most recent trip to my home state I went in to Portland to visit some menswear companies that are distinctly “Pacific Northwest” – the area has a unique aesthetic, and Tanner Goods captures that as well as anyone else. While I was at the store I was able to chat with Colton Tong, […]

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