The Thrill of the Hunt – Searching for a Vintage Rolex

finding vintage rolex 1601 datejust linen

Sometimes finding the right product is all about research, learning about the competitive landscape, and how to buy the right thing for your lifestyle. Other times it’s about reading reviews and learning how to play the sales game to get the best price. And then there are times when it’s a chaotic, all-consuming hunt that begins to eclipse the product itself and makes you begin to doubt if you’re even worthy of buying it. This is my story about the latter, and my guide for how to navigate the wild world of vintage watches. […]

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The Maratac Mid Pilot: A Watch for the Weekend

Maratac Mid Pilot review

Watches are still fairly new territory to me, which is dangerous. Once you have a good grip on a hobby you can make educated purchases based on what you want, what you can afford, and what provides the best value; when you’re just getting started, you think you know these things but in fact you do not. With that reasoning, I’ve been approaching my newfound interest in watches very carefully. […]

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Up Close with Nomos

One of the greatest things about working with a bunch of passionate product enthusiasts is that I’m constantly exposed to amazing products and get to learn about what make them so special. The downside is that it can be rough on my wallet – after all, it’s hard to go back to the old ways […]

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