A new player in the menswear game: RPMWEST

Maybe it’s just me, but it seems like we’re in the middle of a very exciting time period for menswear. Small companies like Kent Wang, Sam Hober, Howard Yount and Vanda are creating quite a stir with wonderful products at great prices. Website-driven companies like Ratio, Proper Cloth, and Ledbury are changing the way we think about shirts, and […]

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What I Wore: Sailing

I’m on a boat and It’s going fast and I’ve got a sweater that’s made by Michael Bastian The weather was wonderful in San Francisco this weekend and I had the good fortune of spending most of it on a beautiful sailboat with several of my close friends, cruising around the Bay’s bridges and islands. […]

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What I Wore: Running late

My work attire has been rather dull lately, so I felt like peacocking a bit with this medley of #menswear: OCBD, madras tie, unstructured jacket, NATO strap on an Omega and oxfords sans socks. I wouldn’t wear this to work every day but it’s fun to throw it all in the mix every now and […]

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